Five Gazes

It was nearing the end of this intimate backyard wedding. I was photographing friends and family saying goodbye to the bride and groom.

Usually when I am photographing a scene I know there is something just as interesting happening behind me so I always make sure to turn around and check my surroundings.

Sure enough in this case when I turned around, this is what I saw. A small group of family and friends waiting to talk to the couple.

It was a moment of silence. I just love everyone’s gaze and how they are all looking in different directions as if they were told to do so.

Their posing is almost so perfect you
wonder how could they have done this themselves?

Of course there is no better posing than real life.

They were still long enough for me to line myself up and make this photo.

It was an entertaining and long moment. All I remember when I look at this was how silent it was.


More from Why I Love this Photo:


How I Made This Photograph


Self Portraits Help with Composing Bride & Groom Photographs